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  • Writer's pictureTamago Walks

Braving Braddell

Updated: Mar 24, 2018

1. Why did you agree to go to Toa Payoh?

Christine: Yeshi baited me with a photo of Claypot Crab Vermicelli.

Yeshi: Well, instagram always motivates me to go somewhere.

2. What did you realize while going there?

Christine: Wow, there are places that take more than an hour to go to in Singapore.

Yeshi: We have to transfer a few times. Green line-->Yellow line-->Red line.

3. What was the best part of that walk?

Christine: Recording our first ever Instagram boomerang video at a nearby fitness corner.

Yeshi: I managed to add one more photo in my 'Sitting on the Roads Around the World' album.

4. Is it worth going all the way to Braddell for that pot of crab vermicelli?

Christine: The first few bites were worth it. The rest were extra calories. On the other hand, their pandan chicken was quite good.

5. What do you like about Thai restaurants?

Christine: Apart from the food? The myriad of sauces and toppings.

6. What was something interesting you noticed in that area?

Christine: We found a lot of press & media-related buildings around. And there was a desolated road (Toa Payoh N) going into a secondary school where we got to sit right in the middle and try to take a photo of ourselves repeatedly, without getting disturbed.

7. Did you get to eat dessert?

Christine: Can't particularly remember if we ate any at Thai Lily, but we saw lot of options while walking.

8. Is it worth visiting an old housing estate like Toa Payoh if you don't live there anyway?

Christine: The architecture and house fixtures are particularly endearing to look at.

9. You like dinosaurs?

Christine: hmm..sometimes?

Yeshi: Only if they are fake and as small as this.

10. Why is this post entitled Braddell but you keep on talking about Toa Payoh?

Christine: Because Braddell is the nearest MRT to Thai Lily, and yes it's still considered Toa Payoh.

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