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  • Writer's pictureTamago Walks

Yayoi's Rainbow at Cityhall

Updated: Apr 15, 2018

1. Who is Yayoi?

Christine: The world-renowned Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama. Her artworks are both eccentric and colorful, full of dots and points, mirrors, lights, nudity and phallic objects. It wasn't only her art that was moving, but as well as her life.

2. Where is the exhibition?

Christine: Unfortunately, at the time of publication of this blog post, this exhibition is over. It was held at the National Gallery of Singapore. But fear not, there's always new exhibitions there and the structure itself is worth a visit. If you get tired looking at all their art collections (you most likely won't finish it in a day), they also show films in their theatre and house a few fancy restaurants, including two rooftop bars.

Yeshi: Sometimes there's a free band show there, it's quite nice to enjoy it. If you're really interested in Yayoi Kusama's artworks, she has exhibitions worldwide actually. I visited the one in Kaohsiung before.

3. What's the easiest way to get here?

Christine: Just take the MRT and get down Cityhall station.

4. Was the line long?

Christine: As with all things hyped up (and almost everything that can be monetized is hyped up here in Singapore), it was.

Yeshi: The answer is always yes.

5. What was your favorite exhibition?

Christine: Definitely the infinity mirror room! You only get 20 seconds inside the room - 20 magical seconds. Perhaps the brevity adds to the magic.

Yeshi: For me it's the big yellow pumpkin with black dots, one of her classic pieces.

6. Didn't the phallic objects creep you out?

Christine: The reason behind them was intriguing and perhaps something Yayoi Kusama was able to endure thanks to her art.

7. Why is Yeshi doing that weird pose?

Christine: I told her so.

Yeshi: I am the 'model' for Christine to practice photography.

8. What did you do after the exhibit?

Christine: We went to eat pho at Mrs. Pho!!

9. After eating?

Christine: We walked along Beach Road until we reached Parkview Square.

10. What's so interesting about Parkview Square?

Christine: Its architecture and sculptures will take you back to the early 1900s. People usually liken it to Gotham City, but it reminds me of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. It also houses the otherwordly Atlas Bar, one of the most interesting places to drink alcohol in Singapore. Order something high up the shelves and watch the bartender climb a ladder to reach for it. It'll cost you though.

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